Custom CAN Scaling Calculator

When trying to create custom CAN streams you may need to create or calculate a custom scaling factor. The following calculator is designed to help you achieve this.

Add as many paired data points as you have collected.

For the “CAN Value” you can enter in any units you like, but generally the raw CAN output as a decimal value works well. If you only have hex values, input them below to convert them to decimal.

For the “Input Value” you need to enter the corresponding Input value, whether that is a temperature, pressure, speed, etc.

The output is in the format of y=scaling ± offset

Page Title

As an example if you had the following data:


The output would be as follows:

y = 0.5246x - 8845.1726

Some ECUs or CAN programs will allow you to directly input this into the scaling as follows:

Others don't allow decimals in the scaling and must be scaled like this: